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Google Plus ya recibe el doble de visitas de las que recibe LinkedIn, pero que bonito pueblo fantasma es aquí.Morten Myrstad originally shared this post:
Google+ With 34.9 million visits in the US last week – traffic jumps 59% in two weeks
According to Experian Hitwise, Google+ had 34.9 million US visits in the week ending 4th of August, compared to 26.9 million the week before. In two weeks Google+ has jumped 59%, from 21.9 million visits in the week ending 21st of July, to the 34.9 million visits last week.Almost twice as much traffic as Linkedin
Google+ has now almost twice as much traffic as Linkedin, that last week had 18.9 million visits. Google+ is also safe ahead of Pinterest that last week had 26 million visits.
In percentage, Google+ share of total US traffic to social networks last week was 1.28%, compared to 0.98% the week before and 0.81% two weeks ago.
Myspace is now fallen out of the Top 10 Social Media Websites, while Instagram has made its debut on the list with 10.8 million weekly visits.Google+ growth story continues
Ten days ago we reported that according to comScore, Google+ had 110.7 million unique visitors worldwide in June, a growth of 66% compared to last November, and 27.7 million visitors in the U.S, a growth of 82% compared to last November.http://bit.ly/OqubLn
Three weeks ago we reported that according to Compete data, Google+ U.S. visitors grew 43% in June, to 31.9 million unique visitors.http://bit.ly/NxTrjM
While both Compete and comScore reports unique visitors, the Experian Hitwise numbers reports visits. All the data from comScore, Compete and Experian Hitwise are desktop only, and do not include mobile devices (smartphone and tablets). According to Google’s +Vic Gundotra, Google+ now has higher traffic via mobile devices than via desktop. According to the same Gundotra, more than half of Google+ postings are made non-public.#googleplus #gplus #statistics

http://bit.ly/Mo0E12 vía http://bit.ly/IoruUb

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